By Eron Henry
Of the many ethnicities in Jamaica, there’s one group few Jamaicans are aware of. It is highly likely there are descendants of Indians from Central America on the island, largely due to the Miskito, corruptively referred to as Mosquitoes.
The Miskito are mostly from the “Mosquito Coast” or “Mosquito Shore” in what is now Nicaragua. They were among the few groups not conquered by the Spanish. Richard Brookes wrote in 1812, “The Mosquito Indians are so situated between morasses and inaccessible mountains, and a coast full of rocks and shoals, that no attempts against them by the Spaniards, could ever succeed.”
British alliance
The Miskito forged mutually beneficial alliances with the English, both wanting to thwart the Spanish. Jamaica, the most important British possession in the Caribbean, played a central role. David Brooks, writing in the Marine Corps Gazette in 1996, stated:
Unlike other Central American Indian groups, the Miskito successfully resisted Spanish conquest in the 16th century. Later, in the 1600s they made common cause with British buccaneers who found them useful allies in raids against the Spanish for their canoeing and maritime skills. This de facto Indian-English alliance would receive official expression in 1687 when British naval officers in Jamaica crowned the Miskitos’ most prominent chief, Jeremy I. King of the Mosquito.
In 1828, the Papers Related to the Slave Trade, noted:
[T]he first establishment of the British on the Mosquito Shore…appears to have taken place at an early period, first by the buccaneers, and afterwards men employed in the contraband trade carried on between Jamaica and the Spanish Main. Afterwards the Mosquito Indians asserting that they were never conquered by the Spanish, made, under the Duke of Albemarle’s government over Jamaica, a formal cession of their territory to the King of England.
Richard Brookes recounted in 1812:
[T]he Duke of Albemarle was governor of Jamaica, and the king of the Mosquitoes received a commission from his grace, under the seal of that island…. When the king died, the male heir went to Jamaica, to certify that he was next in blood, and received a commission in form from the governor of Jamaica, to be king of the Mosquitoes; till which, he could not be acknowledged as such by his countrymen.
The Miskito ran an active slave trade between the Mosquito Shore to Jamaica and elsewhere. A 1741 Jamaican law referenced “Indian slaves.” The 1828 Papers Related to the Slave Trade suggested this referred to prisoners of war sold into slavery by the Miskito:
Wars, it appears, frequently appears between those (Miskito) Indians, and between the various neighbouring tribes of Indians; and the prisoners made in those wars were frequently sold to the English; and it seems a considerable number of Indians, either from this (Mosquito) coast, or from some other quarter, must have been sent to Jamaica for sale in that island.
Starting in the 1740s, the British, through Jamaica, established a more permanent foothold in Central America by appointing a superintendent over the Mosquito Coast who reported to the governor of Jamaica.
In the 1770s, there were attempts to register the number of Central American Indians in Jamaica by age, sex, and ownership, etc. Several pieces of legislation – August and December 1776, and February 1777 – were passed by Jamaican authorities penalizing those who trafficked Indians from Central America.
Though enforcement of these laws was difficult, it appeared there was success in curbing the trafficking of Indians into slavery. In May 1777, the superintended of the Mosquito Shore wrote to Jamaica, “The infamous practice of selling the Indians of the neighboring nations as slaves is now entirely at an end, but there still remains a number of slaves among the Mosquito men, who were in their possession previous to the late regulations.”
In 1787, The British evacuated the Mosquito Coast after surrendering it by treaty to the Spanish the previous year. While Indians enslaved by the British were freed, it appears some were still held illegally under bondage. This was the subject of an 1821 investigation and subsequent adjudications by Jamaica’s attorney general.
Maroon War

Richard Brookes said, “the Mosquito men being excellent marksmen, the English employ them in striking the maratee (sic) fish, etc., and many of the Mosquito Indians come to Jamaica, and sail with the English in their voyages.”
With their marksmanship, experience in fighting wars in difficult terrain and tracking skills, Miskito fighters assisted the English in the ongoing Maroon War in Jamaica. The bulk of the Maroons were descendants of formerly enslaved Africans who escaped into the Jamaican hills when the British took the island by force from Spain in 1655. They were regularly joined by Africans who escaped enslavement under the British. There were long running battles between the British and the Maroons.
The Miskito were first utilized in tracking enslaved Africans who had escaped British bondage. The World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, noted that “in 1720 the British signed a treaty with the King of the Miskito Coast of Nicaragua to provide 50 able-bodied men to assist the Jamaican plantation owners in their struggle against runaway slaves.”
As the Maroon menace continued, colonial Jamaica grew more desperate. Miskito Indians helped the British reach Nanny Town, Portland, in 1734, sacking and leveling the settlement high up in the Blue Mountain range.
According to a December 17, 1865 article in The New York Times, 200 Miskito Indians were recruited in a final, desperate attempt to defeat the Maroons in other parts of the island:
Resort was then had to the Mosquito Indians, who, it was thought, would be more than a match for the Maroons in bush-fighting. Two hundred of those people were accordingly imported into Jamaica, and employed against the dreaded enemy. But the Maroons baffled the Indians, and continued to bid defiance to the colonists, who, in their extremity, were compelled to advise Governor Trelawney, in 1738, to propose overtures of peace to the chiefs. These overtures were accepted; articles of pacification were signed; and certain lands in the island, amounting in the whole to several thousand acres, were assigned to the Maroons in perpetuity.
The Jamaican war against the maroons was not only long, it proved expensive, costing at least £240,000 or more than £14 million in today’s money, the equivalent nearly US$20 million.
The Miskito received compensation for their failed efforts against the Maroons. Thomas Southey in the 1827 edition of Volume 2 of Chronological History of the West Indies, said, “The Mosquito Indians were well rewarded for the conduct, and sent back to their country.” Other sources, however, suggest that some Miskito remained in Jamaica and settled in the southern part of the parish of St. Elizabeth.
It is likely there are persons in that region of the country, as well as those descended from other Central American Indians sold into slavery in Jamaica by the Miskito, who are unaware of that part of their heritage.
Eron Henry is an ordained minister, public speaker, writer, editor and traveler. He is principal of the communications consultancy, Eron Henry & Associates. His novel, Reverend Mother, is available on Amazon. He can be reached at
I am of Miskito descent, I myself just recently learned about the history of Mosquitia and Jamaica, I want to visit the island to see if I can locate descendants of the Moskito slave trade, but I didn’t know where to start. I am happy that I came across the article. It has given me better incite to the history.
Hi Melissa,
I did a DNA test and it shows that I have some Native American genes. My family is from Jamaica and I have been told that my maternal grandfather and paternal grandmother were maroons. My mother’s family is from the area mentioned in the article were the Miskito settled in Jamaica. I’d love to learn more about this.
My Grandmother from St.Elizabeth Jamaica was of Black Miskito descent. Miskito settled in Frenchmans Cove just to the west of St.Elizabeth in Westmoreland Jamaica.
Go to Frenchmans Cove in St. Elizabeth/ Westmoreland that’s where their descendants settled. My grandmother’s mother was a descendant
Melissa, get in touch with me on WhatsApp on 1-876-893-1278, I am a Maroon that lives in the place you see in the black and white pic. The runaway African slave bit is garbage, we are aboriginal.
Omg yes we are Aboriginal that I do know. I just saw this yes let’s connect. Sorry for my super late response.
It’s not garbage you are mis-informed or deluded. I am both a Jamaican of Miskito and Taino descent and an Anthropologist . Many Marion’s have significant aboriginslTaino DNA but they are overwhelmingly African for sure.. Jamaica did not have dark skinned aboriginals with African features .
Alex if you were told that Maroons are descended from aboriginal black people in Jamaica you were lied to no such thing, or at least there is no historical or physical evidence of this. The maroons did absorb the remaining indigenous population, but they were NOT of aboriginal origins except those who had aboriginal ancestors in the person of the Arawaks.
My partenal grandfather in st Catherine Jamaica is of Miskito desent. His father was originally from Guatamala & was born in 1909..
My partenal grandmother was full Afro- Maroon oposed to Zambo or the Mulatto type.
Would also like to mention that Jamaica has a Wampanoag bloodline, as many were sent there during & after king Philip’s war, this information can be found in the ‘500 Nations’, documentary & also in the book ‘ Bury my heart in Wounded Knee’.
What is the name of your paternal grandfather? My paternal great great great grandfather was married to someone name Grace. I do not have a last name. What part of Saint Catherine?
MR T, I did not know this. I’ll check it out. Thanks.
My great grandmother was Bonny Dawkins and my grandfather Herbert Lionel Morais from Kingston and the family business for many years is the Photo Studium Morais don’t know if it still belongs to the Morais family in Jamaica. I am from Bluefields, Nicaragua where some of the Morais family established in the late 1900 century.
My Grandmother was born in Jamaica. She was an orphan. Recently the DNA relatives I have found are associated with Bluefields Nicaragua and 23 and me says St Elizabeth is where the bulk of my matches will come from. funny thing was one of the family stories my mom told me as a little girl was Gram was descended from an Indian Princess. I thought she meant from India because Gram had an Exotic look. Now I know the Miskito had royalty I think it’s possible! The names I keep running across are Henriques, Cuthbert, Benn, Bent, Coulson, Henry, Nunes, Ribeiro, Pereira,Rodrigues. Her Adoptive parents were Clarisse Campbell and Rolanzo Matthews. Clarisse may have been her Aunt.
My nephew is Nunes
Hi Pamela, I also tested with 23&Me and the bulk of my DNA is Jamaica is also found in St. Elizabeth. There are maroon ancestors on both sides of my family. There is also some Native American DNA.
My Aunt , who is a Ross married a Henry.
My family name is Henry! Or at least it would be if my great grandfather David Hurlock had taken his father’s name instead of his mother’s. They were from the Adelphi and Springfield districts of St. James Parish.
I am extremely curious about this often forgotten aspect of Jamaican and Caribbean history. Most people tend to know about the countries of Nicaragua, Honduras, and Jamaica but very few people tend to know how multi-ethnic and multi-cultural the backgrounds of their inhabitants can often be. Looking through some of the old records on FamilySearch from the early 19th century are several records of people listed as being “Indian” or occasionally Indian/Sambo I guess if they were mixed with African. Now considering this was before the indentured workers from the Indian subcontinent arrived in the 1840’s one can only assume these “Indians” were Native Arawak Taino or Miskito descended, but with very Anglo sounding names for instance I found several with the surname Chambers, a man named William Taylor, a woman named Amelia James, and another named Mary Allen all living in Saint James Parish, which is also in Cornwall County like St. Elizabeth Parish, around the turn of the 19th century. It’s a shame people tend to think that all of the Natives of Jamaica went extinct, it seems there was somewhat of a stigma attached so a lot of them hid their ancestry.
I am Miskito Native descendant, My grandfather went by the surname Arthurs, how a native Miskito selected that name or how his family selected that name during the 400 years of contact between the British and the Miskitos is not clear.
Like my grandfather who was born in the late 1800, all the men that migrated with him to present day Belize, (British Honduras), they all had English surnames.
Arthurs, Thompson, mckoy, Mendoza, Peters, ect.
From what I read somewhere, after UK and Spain signed a treaty and the Brits vacated the Miskito coast, the Spaniards attacked and burned all the existing records in Bluefields.
I am proud to call myself Miskito and have been trying to gather info to present to the historical society and subsequently have an annual Miskito Celebration day.
Hi, I’m a native miskito and as far as I was told by my late grandmother Elizabeth Smith my great grand father was a Jamaican by the name of Belingo Smith, how can I get intouch with relatives in Jamaica?…thanks a lot.
Hi I’m a native from the Banacca Bay Island (Bay of Honduras)
Here is some links you’ll can check regarding Jamaica, bay of Honduras, bay islands, Belize and Cayman Islands