One of the side effects (hazards?) of being an amateur historian (I’m neither an academic nor professional historian but I have a deep love for history) is that one becomes interested in one’s own heritage. No less in my case. I’m still in the course of discovery and have come across information that frankly, startled me. There was a time, going back 150 years or more, when for one small town in Jamaica, my paternal ancestors were a big deal.

Walkerswood in St. Ann in northern Jamaica, not far from Ocho Rios, is most famous for its jerk sauce. As someone declared, “Walkerswood is the Jamaican Jerk sauce by which all others are measured.”
Walkerswood Caribbean Foods grew out of a community cooperative that took shape in the 1970s. Residents in the town and a few from surrounding communities began creating craft and other items.
Christine, my mom, became a member of the cooperative. She would take raw wool home and deputize the children in the house to help her to wash, dry and then weave the wool. She would dye the yarn and knitted these into hats, sweaters, table mats and other items. The cooperative diversified into food items. Mama would take home large quantities of crude cornflakes, oftentimes more than we could consume. It was nowhere close to the quality of imported brands sold in supermarkets. The first forays into jerk sauce occurred in about 1976.
From those humble beginnings, Walkerswood Caribbean Foods, with about 80 employees, is now an important niche exporter of about 20 varieties of spices and associated products such as pepper sauce, curry paste, barbecue sauce and various iterations of jerk seasoning. Its products are sold in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and elsewhere in the Caribbean.
Teetering on bankruptcy several times, it was eventually bought and was transformed from the cooperative to a corporate model. It is a lesson in how community-based businesses struggle to remain true to their identity while trying to be profitable. The community link remains through the Walkerswood Co-operative Pepper Farmers Association, one of the company’s chief suppliers.
The town, Walkerswood, owes its existence and relative affluence to two families – the Pringles/Simsons and the Harveys/Henrys.
The Harvey/Henry story is not well known and it is something I knew nothing about while growing up. My older siblings were not familiar with it. Much of what follows is due to information gleaned by a brother by way of a much older cousin, in addition to further digging on my part. It is a story that needs further research.
The Harveys, a black family, came into hundreds of acres of land sometime in the 1800s. As to how and exactly when they did so is not yet clear. What is undisputed is that they owned the land before the 1880s. It was not common for black Jamaicans to own that much land at that time in Jamaica’s history so soon after the end of enslavement in 1838. While it is conjecture at this point, it seems that the Harveys may have come into the land as early as the 1840s or 1850s, and likely by the 1860s.
In March 1882, one of the Harvey girls, Matilda, 24, married Thomas Henry, 26. They are my great-grandparents. In March 1881, exactly a year earlier, Thomas’ older brother, Richard, 37, had married Elizabeth, 31, a widow who seemed to have previously been married to a Harvey. It was the second marriage as well for Richard, a widower.
Most of the land appeared to have fallen under Thomas and Matilda’s control. For reasons not yet clear to us, my great-grandparents sold off most of the land while giving some of it away. The schools, community center and several churches, such as the old Baptist church (that I attended as a child) , the newer Baptist church, and the Methodist church, were all built on Harvey land, likely given freely to the community and churches. Some of the land was later acquired by Reynolds, a bauxite mining company. Most were bought by residents who built their homes. One guess is that more than 50 percent of Walkerswood residential homes are built on land once owned by Harvey/Henry.
An uncle, Alton Henry, whose family and ours traveled to church together while I was a child, played a role in the early movement that was the precursor to the 1970s Walkerswood cooperative. This is the official story as told by Walkerswood Caribbean Foods:
The initiative that launched Walkerswood Caribbean Foods is rooted in the rich history of community action, which has characterized Walkerswood village from the 1930s.
Following the nationwide riots of 1938 for better working conditions, a partnership emerged between Alton Henry, Peter Hinds and other village farm workers, Thom and Rita Girvan, engaged in the Government’s Social Welfare programme and Minnie and Fiona Simson of the Bromley Great House. Together they formed the “Pioneer Club” in 1940 on three acres of land. Out of this grew the Lucky Hill Co-operative Farm, the first registered co-operative farm in Jamaica.
Martin Henry (no relation to us) passed on the story as told to him by Norman Girvan, a leading university professor and researcher in Jamaica and the son of Thom and Rita Girvan. Minnie Simson and her daughter, Fiona, owners of Bromley estate
had come in contact with moral rearmament (MRA) out of England. Bromley became a centre for MRA meetings, for development activism and for devotion…. There were these two men from the village, Peter Hinds and Alton Henry…[who] used to come to Mrs. Simson’s every Sunday morning for prayers, and right after prayers Thom [Girvan] would start talking to them and asking them what were their greatest needs. Out of that he formed the Walkerswood Pioneer Club with the two men as leaders.
Though the club was founded in Walkerswood in St. Ann, the decision was made to establish the first cooperative farm in Lucky Hill in the parish of St. Mary, less than ten miles away. Alton, my father’s oldest brother, moved to New Pen in Lucky Hill and oversaw the cooperative farm there.
Uncle Alton inherited much of the land not sold off or given away that were still in Henry hands in Walkerswood. He was “head cook” and “bottle washer” in the Baptist church of my childhood – organist, choirmaster, church secretary and deacon. Little did I know that he was scion of large tracts of land near to the church and on which the church was built, and in the Cottage area of Walkerswood.
The Pringles were an unusual Jamaican white family, possibly the wealthiest family on the island. A Scottish doctor, John Pringle, moved to Jamaica in the 1870s, married into wealth and privilege on the island, and gradually took ownership of several large properties, including Roaring River, Laughing Waters and Bromley, all in St. Ann, as well as Manor Park in St. Andrew.

According to Martin Henry, “John Pringle brought with him to Jamaica, from his own experiences on the fringes of British society in the Outer Hebrides, a working social conscience which members of his family inherited.”
Toward the end of his life, Pringle was instrumental in the formation of the Jamaica Banana Producers’ Association (JBPA) in 1927, a cooperative and a forerunner to what has since become one of the country’s largest groups of companies, Jamaica Producers Group. Martin Henry said “the JBPA was a cooperative of big and small private banana farmers, formed to challenge the unfair dominance of the banana trade by the banana companies, particularly the American United Fruit Company and the British Elders and Fyffes.”
The Pringles, close friends of Norman Manley, one of the country’s political fathers, were involved in Manley’s creation of Jamaica Welfare, which has evolved into the Social Development Commission, one of the government’s most vital social agencies. They were, apparently, strong supporters and backers of black nationalist, pan Africanist and Jamaica National Hero, Marcus Garvey.
[Another John Pringle, grandson of the original John Pringle, quite possibly played the most decisive role in the development of Jamaica’s tourism industry. He was the island’s first director of tourism and laid the foundation to make it the country’s most important economic engine.]
Minnie Simson inherited the Bromley property from her father, the elder John Pringle and, along with her daughter, Fiona, was instrumental in the formation of the Pioneer Club in Walkerswood and the cooperative farm at New Pen in Lucky Hill.
The Simsons also helped to form the Walkerswood Community Council. Among the initiatives of the council was the creation of Cottage Industries, which later grew into what is now Walkerswood Caribbean Foods, currently located on land that was previously part of the Bromley property.
It appears Walkerswood would not be what it is today without the generosity of these two families, one black, one white, who acted independently of each other but whose lives also converged in unexpected ways to make Walkerswood a growing, thriving and prosperous community.
Eron Henry is author of Reverend Mother, a novel
Interesting read about my community! Mr Alton was my church organist and I was made to read the citation at a retirement function for him even before I knew what the word citation meant!😀
Sent from my iPad
Are there any Henrys or Harveys still living in the community of Walkerswood?
Love the history. I have ancestors from Scotland who settled in surrounding areas.
Interesting. No information of the origin of the name Walkerswood in this article , Maybe my input could help. The understanding as known by my family, as told by elderly members , explained and showed me a picture of a Brazilian royal ( princess), educated in England, came to Jamaica during the Morant Bay uprising, Married into the Walker family of St Ann of which the name Walkerswood originates. The Scott family ( Scotts preservatives) was a the offshoot of that bloodline.
I am a Scott and my grandmother was the walker. I have old pictures of her from the 1800s.
I’ve been wondering and have been doing research about this history of my family and who Miss Walker was. I don’t even know her first name I’ll have to ask other family members who might know. I believe my great grandmother or a great great grandmother was a walker from England and she married a Scott. I have old black-and-white photos of a couple. My grandfather was Edward Scott and my father has the same name and he still lives in Jamaica.
Hi Michelle.this is Kevin Andrew Scott Mckay, I will send you a family tree of Family Scott, and a few pictures I have, maybe it could be the connection.
Oh my gosh yes 🙂
I’ll bet you we know a lot of the same people I recently reconnected with some cousins on daddy side of the family. So excited 🙂
Kevin maybe we can email each other to Exchange notes. I’ve kept this link saved on my phone as well.
I also Have ancestors who once own property in this area. My Great Grandpa name was Charles Lionel walker he is Scottish. He use to own estate in Ballards Valley and was a Banana Farmer.
We are related Marcia! My maternal grandmother was Murlyn and her grandfather (or maybe great grandfather) was Scottish landowner Charles Lionel Walker (owner of Walkerswood property).
This article did not mention the contribution of mr keling the owner of friendship property to the cooperative.
Does anyone remember Donald Pringle
The Scott also played a role in walkerswood history. Woodfield property
Thank you for remembering my father Allan Keeling, who lived at Friendship and helped to establish the Lucky Hill Cooperative. He also contributed land for the Walkerswood lime kiln, which failed as a business, but became site of the present Baptist Church. Although becoming a well-known Red Poll Cattle breeder at Thicketts, near Claremont, which he sold in 1975, he ended his days at Bromley in 2002.
Interesting article my father Oscar Reynolds always tells me stories about ms Simson helped our family in Walkerswood.
I have always been fascinated with the story of Mr Pringle.
I had the pleasure albeit very short of spending my summer holiday in and snooping around his apartment in Knightsbridge way back in the 1980’s.
He was away on his travels at the time so I had fun sneaking into his wine seller and living quarters.
I can remember vividly the beautiful decor and design, as well as amazing paintings. Which are now back in Jamaica.
Coming from a simple semidetached working class home in London, his home was for me an alternate reality.
All of this was made possible because I knew the lady who worked as their nanny, and was brought over from Jamaica by the Pringle’s when they came to here to live.
Such a fun time.
I was just talking to my dad, who is Jamaican and 82. He was telling me how he remembers visiting the home of Charles Pringle , with his dad, when he was a little boy. My dad’s surname is Fletcher. He said Charles Pringle was very pleasant and always gave generous gifts. My dad said he remembers Charles Pringle saying To his dad that whatever he wanted he could have . As he came of the phone he said Charles Pringle was always kind to them but he never understood why his dad would visit. Is there a link between the Fletcher name and Pringle name back in old Jamaica?
I have Pringle ancestors from Jamaica, and was trying to trace the family tree. My great Grandfather ‘s name was Philip Pringle and he bought property in Central America for banana and coconut. Wondering where I could get more information.
My mother’s father was named John Pringle. She has fond memories of him visiting her family home in Clarendon, Jamaica. She was born in 1956. She recalls him having another daughter named Christine and also a son whom I do not recall his name. It would be nice to get more information on her father’s side and possibly any living relatives. My grandmother passed away and I did not have a chance to ask her detailed questions.
My aunt Dorothea Hughes Simmons (1891-1952) married a David Simmons (1889-1960) and he either already owned “Castle Daly” Walker’s Wood (as it was spelled ) or they bought it. Aunt Dorothea, a Quaker, is said to have helped found the wool co-op there where individual farmers would raise sheep and card the wool, then send it to Friends’ Craft Industries in Highgate for weaving. She also bought the original Rosend property there that became the Land Settlement (Is this the same as Lucky Hill Co-op Farm?). Tom Girvan wrote about her role. In the 1950s it became Friends’ Town. She was also associated with Friends’ College, Highgate, and was instrumental in setting up its nursery school for working class children. Was a board member of the Friends’ Happy Grove secondary school. Her husband David Simmons was a colonialist-minded rancher and he came in conflict with his black neighbor, who hired a obeah man who in turn engaged someone to get a sample of his blood, shooting him in the head while he was asleep at Castle Daly. He survived. No one in my family could understand how Aunt Dorothea ended up with him. But here’s a question, where was Castle Daly? It was outside of town on a high hill. Reynolds Metals bought up the property, and it is likely a ruin. Does anyone know its location? Artur Hughes, New York City
Dear Mr. Hughes,
Castle Daly is located on a remote hilltop two or three miles north of Walkerswood. A private road leads from the public road, which also provides access to Friendship, the nearest large cattle property. Gates to both properties are only a few hundred yards apart. The view from Castle Daly house is extraordinarily beautiful, overlooking Mount Plenty property, the nearby hills and valley, and the distant sea. The property is now about 30 acres (most having been sold years ago to Reynolds Jamaica Mines). Boh house and property are in poor condition. When I was a boy I knew Dorothea and David Simmons, as my family owned Friendship, and other properties near Claremont in St. Ann. Sometimes we stayed at Sombra, the Simmons’s seaside house near Ocho Rios. Dorothea was friendly with my cousin, Minnie Simson, at Bromley, both being active social workers on behalf of the community. All that you write about your aunt is correct, as far as my limited research has revealed. David’s brother, Simon Simmons, was a keen polo player and Secretary of Drax Hall Polo Club, where he was killed about 1955 when he fell from his horse.
Please feel free to reply.
Dear Mr. Keeling, Castle Daley has now been sold to my family. The house was in ruins and because of that the house had to be demolished only preserving some of the exterior areas. I would love to know more about this property. Yes it has a long road about a mile long to get inside the property, friendship farm also has a new owner and now has cows on property. Thank you in advanced.
Dear Michelle,
I am glad to know that your family purchased Castle Daly. The previous owners neglected it for many years, and I am not surprised to learn that you had to demolish much and rebuild. For about 5 years I lived in the house, as I have fond memories of it during the 1950s when David and Dorothea Simmons lived in it, later also Simon Simmons, David’s brother. They were good people, well known by my grandmother, Agnes Keeling, who lived at nearby Friendship. One day, when I am in Jamaica, I should visit Castle Daly again, when, hopefully you would be at Dastle Daly.
David Keeling.
Dear David Keeling,
Thanks for posting this reply. There is a book being published about Dorothea’s family and I am trying to find photographs of her time in Jamaica, of the wool co-op, nursing school and other schools. Please contact me at I am her nephew, but hardly knew her.
Dear Arthur Hughes,
I have a few photos of Dorothea, David and Simon Simmons, when they lived in Jamaica. I will email you at the address you provided. Sincerely,
David Keeling.
Dear Mr. Hugh’s, I came across this site and discussion during my search for more information on Castle Daly, the property has been sold recently to my family. I can send pictures of the area if you request. The house was in ruins and only a few areas on the exterior could be preserved. I was reading about a part where you said they raised sheep for wool? I do have an area of the exterior that I am trying to find out what it was used for. If you have any more information about Castle Daly please let me know. If you would like pictures of the property now feel free to ask. Thank you.
I know the property, my grandmother
worked on that property.
There was and exterior building that was used as an overseer’s resident.
Dear Michelle Nunez
Please contact me at I have much information on my Aunt Dorothea that can be shared with you. I would very much like to visit the ruins of Castle Daly. Laura Facey was kind enough to send me a distant photo of its current condition from her farm next door. Arthur Hughes, New York City